Tag Archives: Pandemic Legacy

First Recordings

This morning, Nathan, Sean, Devin, and myself sat down and played our first 2 games of Pandemic Legacy. We broadcasted both game sessions on Google Hangouts. We wanted test a very rough camera setup for future recording. Don’t tell them everything Visiting a website to shop online would require the user to do away with some of their personal data. cheap online viagra They were banned in the traditional postal system decades viagra price https://pdxcommercial.com/property/5236-ne-mlk-jr-blvd-portland-oregon-97211/ ago. Moreover, it claims some innocent lives for no mistake of theirs too. purchase viagra uk You don t want to sound like a priest giving sermon buy generic levitra or college professor giving out boring lectures. We used the camera on my laptop as we don’t yet have a digital camera, yet. We had a lot of fun playing the game and while the quality of the recording wasn’t all that great, I will be editing the videos and getting them uploaded to the Multiverse YouTube page in the near future.

We are looking forward to recording and broadcasting more of our games from the shop. I’m shopping around for a good camera to really get us started with.